"Engaging and emphasizing a holistic approach to ministering to the needs of all people, that will bring wholeness to the Spirit, Soul and Body."

Children's Clothing Enterprise
With the rising cost of living and the spurt of growth that is very common in the children and youth of today, keeping them outfitted and looking great is quite a challenge!
Our mission is to come alongside parents, in particular single parents and provide the additional help needed to lighten the responsibility of keeping the children properly clothed for all occasions!
There is no cost to the parents!!!
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Outfitting KIDS...
From the Cradle to the Graduation Party Table!

TESTIMONY of how it all BEGAN!!

While I was browsing through a Thrift store (searching for treasures!) I overheard a conversation between a mother and her teenage son. Mother said,” You can only have one I can’t afford 2 son”, as I looked over to see his response, he just merely smiled and said “ OK Mom”. I thought there would have an attitude especially at that age, but he just replaces the shirt and kept the pants he was looking at!
As I made my way out the store (treasure less) the Holy Spirit stopped me and it was impressed on my heart to go over to the register, and the same family of Mother, son and little daughter was checking out.
Again mother said to the little daughter, about 5 or 6 years old “Put that back honey pleeease” with a degree of frustration in her voice! The Holy Spirit then said to me, “Pay the bill”! After listening again to be sure, it was repeated! Twice was once too much ….so I whispered to the mother, “ Would you allow me to pay for your items?” Now, this was a family of a different color, culture and ethnicity and so this exchange was a little difficult! However, as I told her who instructed me and that I refuse to be deprived of my blessings, she conceded. I told the little girl to pick up the little toy she wanted (with approval from her Mom, of course). The little girl said “Mommy what’s happening?” Mom’s reply was, “Honey, there are still some good people left in the world!!
I proceeded to discreetly slip in front of her, wink to the flustered cashier, paid her bill, got my blessing and quickly left the store! The bill was minimal but the blessings of obedience was enormous because it’s out of that encounter that I got the direction to start the “GARMENTS OF PRAISE KIDS CLOTHING ENTERPRISE!!”…..Supporting single parents, in particular, with NEW OR GENTLY USED CLOTHES & SHOES FOR INFANTS TO HIGH SCHOOL absolutely FREE!
Thank you Jesus for blessing us to be a Blessing! DONATIONS ARE WELCOMED!!

One step closer to becoming the unique person that God has created.
With a Christ-centered approach, my goal is to help you uncover your true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating. While we can't change difficult situations of the past, we can work together to better understand and resolve challenges in your life. Together, we will unearth long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions that may be holding you back from experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life with God's blessing.
As a Pastors' wife, you weren't meant to do it alone!
Pastors’ wives need others who can come alongside and support them in their unique role, which is why we’ve created this ministry just for you.
We need one another to help one another through prayer, and uplifting one another in the name of Jesus Christ.


We are not commanded to make believers, but to make disciples.
We share the gospel with the community through being a consistent presence. We have found that meeting a physical need opens the hearts and minds of the recipients to their spiritual needs that only Jesus can meet. We now have a platform he would not have had without helping with their needs first. Through this process, we have seen hundreds of people give their lives to Jesus and have their eternal destination forever changed in the few short years we have been doing this work.