There is a longing in human nature to be in a place that is specially designed for us! A place where we experience PURPOSE and FULFILLMENT.
This place, time, and space are designated and designed by God whether we choose to believe it or not!
It’s the place where you prosper, produce, blossom, and bloom even in the midst of inner uncertainties and outer criticisms.
My friend, enjoy that place…. Be. long. in. that. place, be present in that place! Don’t yearn for the PAST places and experiences, because this is where God has you NOW and this is where He will use you for His Honor and Glory NOW!
When you answer the CURRENT CALL of God (God is always current.. never too early or too late ALWAYS ON TIME) and you arrive at this place, whether spiritually, physically, or both! there will be GREAT OPPORTUNITIES and occasions to use our gifts, talents, and resources AND THAT is what brings the realization that this is where you BELONG for this season of your life! Do not be discouraged by naysayers, disheartened by circumstances, or dismayed by the attacks of the enemy! Our God is a KEEPER, a Waymaker, a Sustainer and a Peace-giver!
The Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:7 puts it this way, “and the PEACE OF GOD that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”… in this place of KNOWING.
Maximize this time, season, space, and place and whatever your gift, talent, or 'IT' is …
DO IT LONG!! you wait for the NEXT CALL FROM THE 'MASTER CALLER' our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Because He’s always CALLING US HIGHER to the place where we BELONG!!
Blessings Always, & be right do right & it will be ALRIGHT!
Love this continue to stand in the face of purpose ❤️ do it big, do it strong, and do it long - as we belong. Sooooo good thank you for sharing.