Joining others in the pursuit of truth
Walking it out by FAITH, not by SIGHT!!
hear, read, or partake of the living Word will encounter the love, power and hope found in Jesus!
Things we want you to know
Jesus is the Light that dispels every darkness.Walk in the LIGHT
Jesus loves YOU!

Weekly 'ONE LINERS' from the heart
Walk by Faith and not by sight!
Wake up every morning THANKING..NOT THINKING!
You can always give without loving, but you can never love without giving.

Bible Verse of the Day
Events Calendar

The Joy of the Lord is my strength!




2024 NLG JoyFULL Women's Retreat
This year's topic of G.L.O.W. (Giving the Lord Our Worship)was such an epic encounter with the Lord, as we stayed in an amazing 5 bedroom pool home that was absolutely luxuriously and technologically equipped that allowed us to bring in videos of prolific teachers that supported our topic, worship songs that enhanced the atmosphere of worship and true time of "letting our hair down' and receiving from the Holy Spirit.
As we explored and unpacked who we are in Christ Jesus, and based on who we are, being able to let our Light shine as the Bible entreats us in Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
As we closed out on Saturday night, the Lord took us in a totally unexpected direction of instructing me to have a water baptism in the pool of the home.I baptised 2 of our attendees with the assistance of Pastor Averil Newland!! This was my first solo baptism without my husband beside me, so I was really questioning the Holy Spirit, but OBEDIENCE overrides NERVES and I did it. What a night of visitation of the Holy Spirit who brought strength, forgiveness, Joy, determination, understanding and everything that we each needed in our places of challenge!
On Sunday morning we surprised the Church family by showing up for service, as we usually visit a local church of the city we are retreating in before returning home.
We could truly sing all the way home......
"Jesus I'll never forget what you've done for me
Jesus I'll never forget how you set me free
Jesus I'll never forget how you brought me out
Jesus I'll never forget Oh never!"
See you next year!!
What an amazing time we had on our
1st Jesus Joy Retreat on April 28-30th 2023!
It started off with a burst of startling and frightening laughter when we arrived at what we thought was the location and started putting in codes ringing doorbells and peeking in windows trying to get into a house that turned out to be the WRONG house! We sped away from that driveway praying the police weren't on their way!! The younger ones were laughing their heads off while the older ones were in shock and disbelief!
Imagine the headlines....
"Criminal elements pretending to be a Women's Church Retreat group breaks into the unsuspecting senior family home!! lololl
Wow! I can really laugh now!
Now that's real JOY when you realize you miss spending the night in jail....but God ....gave us something to laugh and have joy about and that was just the beginning!!
Stay tuned for more joyful encounters!!
8/4..........I just remember that I promised you more.. lol.. there is so much more but I must share this!!
On the final day which was a Sunday we had made plans to visit a local church that I had found online, which unfortunately started late morning but we decided on it anyways.
We pulled up to an empty parking lot of a church in a "less-than-desirable" neighborhood
(Lesson #1.... don't be fooled by pictures you see on beautiful websites!!!!!)
but we thought well " everybody ain't able to have a big building, right? and as for the empty parking lot....., aaaah, they might be just running late!
(Lesson #2 .... if not even the deacon is there to open up early...sumting is wrong!! lollol
So we left quickly (as we surveyed the surroundings) disappointed but knowing that all things work together for good......
Every other church we stopped by their service was over, or ending !!
God what is HAPPENING was my silent cry!
After the ladies started praying and calling on the Lord Jesus, we decided to call on SIRI and this one church popped out to me
(Lesson #3 "Many are the plans of a man's heart but the purpose of God shall prevail" Proverbs 19:21)
We ended up at a Spanish Ministry ( with English an interpreter) on the waterfront! with an amazing dynamic young preacher/teacher! We made some great FRIENDS.... brothers and sisters WHO welcomed us with open arms!
God knows exactly where He wanted us, and had to close some doors to lead us to His PERFECT PLAN for our Sunday worship.
My Friend, remember, for a child of God a closed door is never a sign of rejection but a sign of your Father's REDIRECTION!
Let's continue to believe that He is HANNE'EMAN, the Faithful God!